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Begonia photo

Begonia is a perennial flower that is found in more than one thousand species. It does especially well in tropical climate but it fights its way in other weathers too. The reason why begonia is such a great flower is because it blooms gorgeous pink, white or yellow flowers all year round. Its leaves are also endowed with bright beautiful color and spots. This makes it not only good for your garden but also for indoor decoration.

It is extremely easy to take care of begonia plants. All they need is ample lighting, shade and just enough moisture. They do excellently when planted in pots and terrestrials because of the loose soil and temperature control. Begonias don’t like direct sunlight especially if it’s very hot but they appreciate warmth and generous fertilizer. Keep the pot or the bedding near light, water it frequently but make sure it’s not soggy. Shaded garden or pots kept near windows will work best. However, fluorescent bulbs will do the trick for light and warmth.


Any species of begonia is beautiful all year long and easy to manage. Every home should buy flowers wholesale. They are not expensive to buy especially if you get them from Astra Fund Holland BV. Holland is where you can get the best begonias at wholesale prices together with care guide.
