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Spiraea photo

This type of shrub has between 80 to 100 different styles to its name and Astra Fund Holland BV carries 16 of them. These outdoor plants come with flowers of assorted colors such as white pink, lavender, and yellow. The different species carried in the catalogue of Astra Fund Holland BV include Grefsheim, which has long tubular shaped branches that are covered in small flowers, Little Princess, which is a nicely shaped rounded bush that is brimming with small pink blooms, and Triumphans, which have vertical flowers, similar to hyacinths but with a denser showing of blooms clustered together.


When you are ready to buy wholesale Spiraea, check out the website of Astra Fund Holland BV. All of their plants are organized into fresh cut flowers, potted plants, and plants you would grow outdoors, such as the Spiraea. This company has assembled an inventory of the highest quality blooms and bushes from the Netherlands and South America. They have built an impressive amount of clients because of the attention they give their customers and the prices they offer on their wholesale deliveries of flowers. Anyone who would like to browse through their online catalog can place an order with no minimum amount required.
