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Picea photo

Picea is a genus of around 35 species of coniferous-shaped evergreen trees that are in the Family Pinaceae, which are found in the northern temperate and also boreal regions of the planet. They are big trees, from around 20 to 60 metres tall when they are mature. Picea trees can be distinguished through the whorled branches and their “cone” form. They are often used as food plants by the larvae of moths and butterflies, so attention is necessary. Picea seedlings immediately germinate.

Picea is very useful and used mainly as a building wood. It is commonly called by many different names such as North American timber, whitewood and SPF (spruce, pine, fir). Because Picea species has no insect or decay resistance properties, after logging it is best recommended for indoor construction purposes only. The fresh shoots of many pines are considered a natural source of vitamin C. The branches and leaves - or the essential oils - can also be used to brew the spruce beer. Picea spruces are considered popular ornamental trees in horticulture, being admired for their evergreen and symmetrical narrow-conic growth habit. For this same reason, some (especially the Picea abies and Picea omorika) are also commonly used as Christmas trees.


Looking for a Picea to use as a Christmas tree, too? Astra Fund Holland BV provides fresh cut flowers wholesale with many varieties according to what you’re looking for.
