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Recommendations for KOA purchasing

Dear customers, please carefully read the KOA purchase recommendations!!!

If you buy the item yourself at an auction through KOA or through our webshop (online store), please consider the following:

The purchase amount may not exceed the set limit. The total amount of your purchases can be found in the KOA program, in the Transactions section or when buying through the web shop, in the appropriate section of the web shop. If the limit is exceeded, purchases will not be possible.

You can only set a limit for one KOA contract. If you have two subscriptions, you set two limits. It is problematic to unlock or raise the limit during the auction. Please take care of your funds in advance and consider the volatility of the market.


1. Before you bid on KOA, it's important to read the purchasing guidelines on our website:

2. When buying a flower at an auction, pay attention to the quality index of the flower. We recommend buying only A1 quality. If the quality is lower, it is not possible to guarantee the merchantability and quality after transportation. Also please pay attention to the label Ink.over na verd. This means that the item is re-bidding after a return (KOA). We do not recommend the purchase of such items.

3. Please note, however, that we recommend buying only from reliable and trusted growers. An A1 label alone does not guarantee that the quality always meets all requirements. Only the best growers usually have consistent quality.

4. Please always make sure that everything you buy has really been paid for, is in your shopping cart, has been emailed to you, etc. In addition, it is important to know that your purchases may still not be delivered for the following reasons:

а) The item has not been delivered by the supplier or manufacturer to the auction distribution department.

б) Due to quality problems the item was withdrawn from the auction.

5. Also, please note that the flowers on the following list are considered fast-growing or fast-developing products and may differ by up to two points from the growers's stated stage of development or flower bud opening: Tulipa, Gladiolus, Alstroemeria, Lilium, Freesia, Hippeastrum, Iris, Hyacinthus, Anemone, Paeonia, Narcis, Ranunculus.

6. Please do not buy an item that is out of season, even if it is in stock. Usually such goods are no longer of optimal quality, may not travel well, etc. No guarantee can be given for such merchandise. You can check the seasonality of items on our website, we send out newsletters, or you can simply check with us.

7. We strongly advise you to buy only greenhouse-grown goods. Plants or flowers grown outdoors or dug up with tubers are not suitable for repackaging, long-term transportation, and may be prohibited for import.

8. From time to time, carriers are reminded not to allow the presence of related goods as well as decorative items in shipments. Please always check with your carrier about the possibility of customs clearance before an item is purchased at an auction or an order is placed in our online store.

9. Before buying bulbs (planting material) at any stage of development, ornamental vegetables and fruits at auctions or from growers, please also consult the carrier.

KOA auction rates

1. The price of a subscription to the KOA system in 2025 is 42.10 euros per month.

2. The transaction fee (each click) in 2025 will be 1.85 euros. You will see the transaction fee as a separate line on the invoice. As of 2018 there is a surcharge for the distribution of goods:

а) less than 21 transactions per day give rise to (cut-off) a surcharge of 8.60 euros

б) less than 11 transactions per day give rise to (potted) a surcharge of 8.60 euros.

в) If we need to split a minimum package (e.g. 80 pieces of chrysanthemum shrubs) to smaller subcustomers, a markup of 2 cents per stem is charged, because this is a lot of extra work at the packaging stage

Packaging material costs

An important point for you is that disposable auction containers are not included in the price of a flower or plant. Therefore, you will see the prices at the auction without the cost of the packaging. You will be billed separately by the auction.

Prices and classification of packaging material can be seen in the auction catalog by clicking on the link.

Auction shipping costs

The average shipping charges from the auctions in Aalsmeer and Rijnsburg to our facility are as follows:

а) €0.02 per cut,

б) If you buy hydrangeas from Alsmeea or Rijnsburg, €0.15 per transport will be added to the price. If 5 will be packed, then €0.27. 

в) For potted plants €0.09 per potted plant (provided that the plant is no taller than 70 cm).

г) For large plants, the calculation is as follows: the delivery price for one auction cart (20 euros) divided by the number of plants transported in it.

Attention! A purchased KOA subscription does not have an expiration date; if you stop using it, you must cancel it with a notice.

Growers's Choice

1. In the KOA system, growers in the auction are labeled by class. Please only buy goods from class A growers (i.e., ideally an A1 good from a class A grower)


2. In the webshop. The grower is usually listed, along with the batch. Recommended growers are available on our website in the corresponding section. Please try to buy only from recommended growers, if in doubt, please contact us.


If you have or will have any questions about the purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will give you the necessary recommendations.