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Berberis photo

The Berberis plants consist of shrubs from the evergreen family. The Astra Fund Holland BV company carries two types of Berberis plants – the Atropurpurea Nana and the Thun Rose Glow. Both fall into the outdoor plant category and produce tart berries. These plants would make an interesting addition to an outdoor garden or add to a unique landscaping design. When you are ready to buy wholesale Berberis plants from Holland look no further than the Astra Fund Holland BV website and check out their online catalogue. This company carries only high quality plants, flowers and bulbs from carriers around the world.


You can always find flowers wholesale from Holland from this 20-year old company. They have built a solid reputation as a flower and plant wholesaler with their impeccable customer service and competitive prices. Astra shops for their inventory from the Netherlands, South America, and local growers. One of the pluses of Astra Fund Holland, besides the fact that you can find the finest flowers from Holland wholesale, is that there is no minimum order required to place an order here. Simply head over to their website, sign on as a guest and you will soon be considered a regular customer.
