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Asparagus photo

Asparagus is a flashy green perennial vegetable .It is tender and juicy, and comes in spring. It takes 2 to 3 years to harvest this stem vegetable, but once it is done it can benefit you for the next 20 years.  The cold regions are the best to grow this vegetable. This plant needs a sandy soil and planted earlier in spring. When the time comes and spikes begin to show, picked up this plant after giving a time about 2 to 3 weeks. Once it reaps, let the leaves to mature; this restocks needed nutrients for the coming year’s production. Male asparagus plants transmit small flowers which look like as bell shaped.  These plants do not like to be transferred or move from one place to other so select a permanent setting and fixed it there. This plant is keep worthy in garden are because of its high size, fluffy and mild-exterior leaves.


 Asparagus never die immediately like all other vegetable plants. It remains involve in metabolic action. "Asparagus" Buy Wholesale as it is a healthy food and comes in the category of world’s top healthiest food. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant plant, helps in digestive system as well as control heart & blood sugar level.  “Asparagus is the name of a flower" Buy Wholesale from Holland, the Dutch company «Astra Fund Holland BV» engaged in the wholesale of plants.
