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Podocarpus photo

Podocarpus is the most numerous and well distributed genus of conifers of the podocarp family. Podocarpus are trees or evergreen shrubs, normally from 1 to 25 meters tall and they’re also known to reach 40 meters at times. The cones have between 2 to 5 fused cone scales which form a fleshy and berry-like brightly colored receptacle at ultimate maturity. The cones attract birds and with this, they eat the cones and help dispersing the seeds in their droppings. There are around 97 to 107 species in the genus.

Male Podocarpus are considered very allergenic, in opposite to this, the completely female Podocarpus plants are known to fight allergy considering they capture pollen but produce none. A lot of species of Podocarpus are grown as garden trees, or trained into screens and hedges. The purple, red or even bluish fleshy fruit of the majority of species of Podocarpus are edible, both raw or cooked into jams and pies.

Some of the species of Podocarpus are used in systems of traditional medicine as a treatment for conditions such as fever, coughs, sexually transmitted diseases, arthritis and even canine distemper. A chemotherapy drug that is used in the treatment of leukemia is also made from Podocarpus.


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