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Pachira photo

Pachira is a genus of tropical trees scattered in both South and Central America, India and Africa. Around 24 species of Pachira have been identified. They form either small or large trees with digitate leaves. Its commercial use includes cordage, timber, seeds for stuffing cushions pillows. Pachira should be planted where the soil is damp and in a place with full sun or even part shade. The tree thrives in swampy locations, however, the ideal planting area is one where the water occasionally recedes, therefore, it provides the roots an opportunity for breathing. Prune Pachira eventually but only if the tree shows any damaged branches or even distorted growth. As a general rule, Pachira does not require pruning and it is best left alone. It is recommended that the plant is turned every week, this way the Pachira grows upright and does not bend towards the light. This plant tolerates light shade; however, it may get damaged if exposed to intense and bright light.


Did you know some plants have not only the fruit, but also the flower as an edible ingredient? Sometimes even the leaves and wood can be used as a culinary ingredient. You can find a variety of these species at Astra Fund Holland BV, your flowers wholesale from Holland.
