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Other indoor plants

 Other indoor plants photo

 Other indoor plants

The catalog of indoor plants has a decent set of items. As you know, representatives of this type are divided into two subspecies: decorative foliage and flowering species. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them in more detail.


A striking representative in the Garryaceae family is aucuba, a plant that is sometimes defined as Akkubov or Dogwood. Despite the fact that three species come together at once, only two of them are cultivated at home - Japanese aucuba and Himalayan aucuba. A distinctive feature of this plant is its shadeliness. Thus, the plant is disposed towards active growth and development, even being deep in the shade. However, this feature does not apply to variegated varieties.


Another representative of indoor plants is Cyclamen. It belongs to the Primrose family. This genus has about 55 species. The homeland of cyclamen is considered Mediterranean and Central Europe, but the flower can be found in the nature of Asia Minor. Representatives of the genus are characterized by characteristics of herbaceous perennials. Cyclamen has a thick tuberous root, from which shoots of leaf blades of green shade sprout. The leaf plates are overgrown with long stalks, and in exceptional grades, a sinuous image shaded in silver appears on them. Peduncles are quite high, they also form the drooping flowers.

Gynura - representative of Asteraceae.

At the moment the Compositae family has more than 100 species of plants. For gynura, the typical natural conditions are the environment of the tropical parts of Asia and Africa. As a representative of indoor plants, gynura is cultivated exclusively as decorative species.

You can purchase wholesale indoor plants from Holland from a reliable Astra Fund supplier.
