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News Astra Fund Holland BV

International price "Best Producer of the Year"!


Dear customers! We are happy to announce that among the nominees for the international price "Best Producer of the Year"...

Added prices for planting stock and bulbous. Spring 2016. photo

Added prices for planting stock and bulbous. Spring...


In the section "Other catalogs" prices for planting stock and bulbous ones are added - Spring 2016.   To pick up...

At us on a site there was a section: "Recommendations on purchase and transportation". We study each other! photo

At us on a site there was a section:...


In the information section you can now get acquainted with the recommendations for the purchase, transportation and...

Ends the season for peonies photo

Ends the season for peonies


Dear customers, pay attention to the fact that the season for peonies ends, we do not recommend buying them. If you buy,...

The Rosselkhoznadzor invited the EU countries to stop certification of cut flowers from the Netherlands. photo

The Rosselkhoznadzor invited the EU countries to...


The Rosselkhoznadzor invited the EU countries to stop certification of cut flowers from the Netherlands. As explained by...

Summer purchases of chrysanthemums. The assortment is limited. photo

Summer purchases of chrysanthemums. The assortment...


Dear customers, Please pay attention to the fact that we are now purchasing only the main varieties of chrysanthemum at...

Gerbera and Anthurium photo

Gerbera and Anthurium


Dear customers, please note that gerberas and anthurium are sold not only in standard boxes, but also in packs 996, 577,...

Transportation of limonium and solidago in summer photo

Transportation of limonium and solidago in summer


Dear Clients, Please pay attention to the fact that recently, as always in the summer, complaints have increased over the...

The minimum lot of pottery. photo

The minimum lot of pottery.


Dear Clients, Please note that we can order a pot in the quantity and less of a cart. In that case, we can pack it in a...

Attention. The import rose does not reach well !!! photo

Attention. The import rose does not reach well !!!


Dear Clients. We remind you again that the Kenyan and other imported roses do not reach and guarantee its quality after...

Features of transportation in the summer photo

Features of transportation in the summer


Please pay attention to the fact that summer has come. This is if someone suddenly did not notice our work :-) Due to the...

Added prices for bulbs and cuttings in colorful packages! photo

Added prices for bulbs and cuttings in colorful...


Prices can be found in the "Other Directories" section of the corresponding link.