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Nertera photo


Curly low green growth, covered with orange beads - meet Nertera, a tiny creeping evergreen plant from the Madder family. Under natural conditions, the plant is most often found in the Southern Hemisphere, in South America and Australia, but also grows in Hawaii and Asia, so a tropical humid climate is a familiar environment for Nertera.

The name of the plant in Greek means “low, small” and really - the height of Nertera in most cases is only a few centimetres, so at first glance it resembles moss with bright berries. At the beginning of summer, Nertera begins to bloom and later turns the flowering into berries of white, yellow, orange or red.

For such an unusual appearance, the plant is often called a needle cushion, coral beads or coral moss. The plant has small, rounded leaves located on many thin stems that grow from 20 to 70 centimetres. Since the height of Nertera is only a few centimetres, it is possible to order Nertera in wholesale from the Netherlands for florariums and miniature gardens. These small bushes, studded with small red or orange berries, can be combined with any plants.

The brightly coloured Nertera fruits can visually appeal to young children and pets. However, these berries are inedible and may be toxic to a low degree, which should be kept in mind when planting this plant.

Many gardeners grow Nertera as annual plant, disposing of it and replacing old ones with new ones every year. However, the plant can extend life by reproduction. Under the right conditions, Nertera can usually remain strong enough for several years. Today Nertera is an atypical plant in the CIS market due to the fact that it is not recommended to be grown by gardeners with no or little experience, but the wholesale price of Nertera from the Netherlands remains attractive.

Nertera  in wholesale from ‘Astra Fund Holland BV’

Our company has been supplying cut flowers and potted plants for more than 20 years. Every day we select the best offers for you, check the quality of the goods and choose the most reasonable prices. If you would like to buy wholesale Nertera from the Netherlands, please contact our managers for more details.
