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Lithops photo

Lithops, also commonly known as flowering stones or living stones, is a genus of plants in the Aizoaceae family, native to southern Africa. The name derives from the Ancient Greek words (lithos), meaning "stone," and (ops), meaning "face," referring to the appearance of the plants, which is stone-like.

Lithops are abnormally succulents that have evolved to look like the rocks and pebbles. These plants grow awfully slowly—it can take years for Lithops to ultimately fill its pots with new leaves. Structurally, Lithops consist of two fused leaves above the ground that connect to a stem underground with a long root. Its leaves are tremendously thick and the fusion depends on the species. Some species are single leaf, with hardly any sign of the fusion of the leaf, while others are deeply lobed up to the soil level. Too much water makes the leaves burst or the plant die from underneath. They flower in mid- to late summer with yellow and white daisy-like flowers.


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