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Potentilla photo

Potentilla is a genus that contains over 300 species of biennial, annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the rose family called Rosaceae. They are normally called cinquefoils in English idiom. Potentilla are usually only found throughout northern continents of the planet.

Potentilla grows in the wild of the most cool and cold regions of the planet. Most of its species are herbaceous perennials but some are erect or creeping shrubs. A few of them are troublesome weeds. Other types of Potentilla are grown in gardens.

Some Potentilla are cultivated to become ornamental plants. These are normally high species with bright and showy flowers. Some of the species are used in herbalism. Potentilla erecta, for example, has been often used as an herbal remedy for gastrointestinal disorders and inflammation. Research on Potentilla continues to determine its usefulness and safety in an alternative medicine for various disorders such as ulcerative colitis. Potentilla discolor and Potentilla multifida are considered Chinese medicinal herbs that are used to treat diabetes.

The Potentilla emblem has a meaning of power, strength, loyalty and, honor.


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