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Monstera photo

Monstera is a genus of approximately 50 species of plants. Monstera being native to the tropical parts of America, it derives its name from the Latin word "monstrous" and refers to the odd leaves with holes that the members of the genus have. They are evergreen vines or herbs that grow to heights of 20 metres tall, and climbing by use of aerial roots which perform as hooks over branches; the roots also grow deep into the soil to help firmly support the plant. Monsera leaves are very large, dark green, leathery and are about 25 to 90 centimeters long and 15 to 75 centimeters broad, normally with holes in the blade of the leaf. The flowers are born on a particular inflorescence recognized as a spadix, which is from 5 to 45 centimeters long; its fruit is a bunch of white berries and they are edible in some species.


Monstera are commonly planted indoors as houseplants. The most popularly known representative of the genus is Monstera deliciosa, cultivated for its edible fruit. Monstera should be repotted every few years to ensure adequate soil nutrition and space for the rapidly growing plant. Looking for outdoor flowers wholesale? Check out flowers from Astra Fund Holland BV.
