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Calibrachoa photo

Calibrachoa, often called "Million bells", grows and blooms into a flower at an amazing rate. They are mostly found in South America and are short-lived perennial flowering plants. They can give your house and garden a splashy look and feel. They can tolerate light frost. So, chilly weather wouldn't cause damage to them or make them wither away. They need to be watered only when the soil is almost dry and they can thrive in light sunlight or partial shade. They are perfect choice for hanging baskets and give out an exotic look. Tucking these flowers into the front rows will have your garden look absolutely amazing. As long as they are watered and are properly cared for, they will thrive at an amazing rate. In fact they will turn out as the ultimate "spiller" for the container gardens. No matter where you plant these flowers in your garden, they would still splash up your garden. You will feel satisfied with their astounding growth fueled by ample water supply and fertilizers.


Get bulk purchases of flowers planted in the flower beds of your garden. You won't regret getting these flowers. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try and buy from Astra Fund Holland BV.
