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Calendula photo

“Calendula is the name of a flower” buy wholesale from the Dutch company «Astra Fund Holland BV» engaged in the wholesale of plants.  Calendula is also called, “Pot Marigold” Buy Wholesale, it has been used for medical purposes sine many years. It is native to Mediterranean states and from the family of Asteraceae. This plant helps fighting bacteria, viruses, and inflammation as well as used on the skin. This plant can be grown in any soil type but mostly found in United States, Europe, and West Asia countries. Calendula stems rise to a height of 30cm to 60cm, and it flowers from early spring till cold. Calendula dried petals are used for medical purposes. This plant’s fresh flowers are edible. It's cheerful flowers keep away garden pests. It is a companion plant for lettuce, potatoes, and beans. It is a medicinal herb, but it is also an attractive and beneficial plant in the garden. It rapidly grows and easy to nurture.  This flower was also used to color foods, dye to color hair and to create butter look more yellowish. Calendula was used initially times in India, and as regards to Ayurvedic healing criteria are vigorously chilling and have a cold and rich taste.
