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Aeschynanthus photo

Also called the Lipstick plant because of the flower bud peeking out of a dark tube, the Aeschynanthus plant that comes from Indonesia is very famous in the house decor market. This plant is an excellent choice for adding colors to the kitchen, bedroom or bathroom. The bright color adds life to the room and would be a center of attraction in your house. The plant comes in varied shades of orange, pink and red. Put it in lots of bright or indirect light and bind it to the root and get the most of its booming flowers. They can be grown in hanging baskets or tied to wooden sticks as tall as three foot.

To get the best results water it daily and keep it moist but do no overwater it as they thrive where humidity is high. Another reason for you to get it is that it purifies the air and will keep your room fresh all the time. So get this not so very difficult to maintain plant for yourself today and enjoy the beauty of the lipstick plant peeking out of the flower pot.


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