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Lathyrus photo

Lathyrus Odoratus is a genus of sweet peas and vetchlings flowering plant species. It is an annual flowering plant that gives your garden a delightful fragrance and vivid colors. An additional benefit of it being a long-lasting outdoor flower makes it a favorite for buyers. Although this showy flower bears tiny pods that contain pea-like seeds, it’s a decorative plant, but not a vegetable.

Lathyrus is one of the most outdoor modest flowers around the world. It’s a member of the botanical family of Fabaceae, and it’s commonly referred to as ‘‘butterfly’’ In Holland. These flowers are soft and sweet, something that makes them ideal for small flower preparations that creates a butterfly effect.

The flowers come in a variety of patterns and colors, including navy blues, crimson reds, purest whites, pinks, and pastel lavenders. These colors are found as bicolors, solid colors, and flaked or streaked flowers.


Consider buying wholesale Lathyrus flowers if you’re seeking something perfect in a cutting garden. The internet has made bulk purchases of flowers possible not only for retailers and florists, but also for consumers. Purchasing any type of these flowers and making the selection online from Astra Fund Holland BV is simple, quick and secure.
